Delphi Augustus

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Delphi Augustus' common picture

Delphi Augustus, first known in micronationalism simply as "Delphi", joined micronationalism officially on the Dinarchy of Antica's inception on June 17, 2003, along with his real-life friend, Octavius. For some time prior to that date, he and his future fellow Dinarch discussed this crazy idea of a "micronation" which would soon be slightly (though not much) less silly and fill up much of their free time. One day, while in a routine instant messenger conversation, Chris gave Delphi the link to the Principality of Sealand and tried to explain what he at the time understood a micronation to be. Not really paying that much attention, he looked briefly at it and pretended to understand what the hell his friend was talking about.


The next few events happened within, to this author's recollection, at least a few month period. Unfortunately, the sequence and time of them have faded from memory.

One morning in Latin class, Chris whipped out a map, on which he had a large portion colored in blue. A few of our friends ignored the teacher and took a look. After explaining it was a map on which the world would be divied up among them, each of the friends claimed a few pieces for themselves. Delphi initially took England and Greece, among a few other areas, while some others claimed their own plots of land. Over time, Delphi and Chris began to discuss ways they would end up taking over the world to lead to the end shown on the map. One plan involved spreading disease and encasing Delphi in a Darth Vader-like suit which would keep him sealed up and protected. Other plans involved immortality and other such nonsense. Either way, the two, wrapped up in their imaginations and plots for world domination were in the process of forging a long and fruitful relationship.

One day in school, with the predominantly blue and green map, Chris brought a folded up piece of paper which contained a print-out of the future Antican flag, in grayscale, due to his lack of a color printer. He gave the piece of paper to Delphi, who marveled at its beauty and carried it around with him for the rest of the day. Prior to this, the two had sat in the library with a few resources Chris had brought in regarding flag symbols, and picked some symbols and colors which would be appropriate for such a flag. The Antican flag was born.